What is HTML?
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard language used to create and design the structure of web pages. It’s like the blueprint for websites! It's the foundation for all web development, and everything users see on a webpage begins with HTML. It allows developers (like you!) to organize content on a webpage into headings, paragraphs, links, images, tables, and more. It's considered the structure of developing a website.
Breaking Down HTML!
The first image on the left showcases some HTML code used to structure a webpage...
This image shows the result of the HTML code above. The navigation bar at the top features a logo in the corner and links on the right, with a custom Google Font applied to the logo. The styling, including colors and the navigation bar's placement, is done via an external CSS file linked in the HTML. While we’ll delve deeper into CSS in the next chapter, this example highlights how basic HTML forms the foundation of a webpage.
Building Your Text in HTML

Here we can see some additional HTML tags to help you build your text on your webpage. With the above example and these additional tools, you should now be all ready to build the structure of your webpage!