What is CSS?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to style and design web pages. It controls how HTML elements look, including their layout, colors, fonts, spacing, and overall appearance. CSS makes web pages more visually appealing and helps create consistent designs across a website. It works by applying rules to HTML elements, either directly in the HTML file or through an external stylesheet.

Breaking Down CSS!

A screenshot of external CSS web development coding practice
In this image, we can see some of the external CSS that was used in making this webpage itself. External CSS is used for styling that you want to apply to multiple webpages. You might also chooose to use external CSS if your CSS is quite lengthy, to ensure that your HTML codes remain readable and easy to comprehend. Observe the difference in how we attach comments as well compared to HTML. They follow a different structure.
A screenshot of internal CSS web development coding practice
Here we showcase some internal CSS. Internal CSS is best when you want to apply certain styling only to that page in particular. As so, we need to place the style tags between the head tags. No linking is required.

Design with CSS

A cheat sheet for CSS coding
These are some additional CSS tags to help you design your webpage. Use the above example and these additional tools to design the website of your dreams!

Additional Helpful CSS Resource